
Preparing School Assignments has
never been easier !

Say goodbye to boring and time-consuming worksheet creation! With Xaam, you can easily generate custom exercises & activities for school & home with 1 click!

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Teachers - Parents - Students - Tutors

We've got you all covered


Create assignments tailored to your students' needs. Focus on what matters most - teaching - while ensuring that your students receive the best possible learning experience.


Are you concerned about your child's academic progress? With Xaam, you ensure that your child is receiving high-quality, personalized assignments that meet their learning needs.


Feeling stressed about upcoming exams and want to prepare more efficiently. Our tool offers a variety of exam-focused assignments that are tailored to your subjects.

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Thousands are enjoying Xaam already !








Private tutors
Why Xaam?

It has never been easier to create exams, tests & assignments


Stop replicating old exams and start crafting fresh authentic ones

Critical thinking

Challenge students with questions that stimulate their critical thinking


Generate questions based on your current subjects and progress

Top-Notch Support

We're confident you won't need assistance, but we're always here for you just in case.

Aligned with your curriculum


Create customized school assignments based on your country, state and location.
Our tool is powered by Artificial Intelligence and can generate exercises custom-tailored to your curriculum

Teachers, students & parents

" This is benefiting everyone! "

I was initially skeptical about incorporating AI technology into my classroom. But after trying this platform, I am a total convert. The assignments are tailored to my students' individual needs. This platform has saved me so much time and energy, and I can't imagine going back to my old methods!

History teacher, Toronto, Ontario

We had the chance to test out the prototype for Xaam, and it was a blast! We are sure the platform will be just as fun and effective for exam preparation. Being able to generate tests based on our current syllabus and for any topic is a life-saver. We can't wait to use Xaam to study for my next exam!

Esther & Rodry
11th grade students, Oakland, CA

As a busy teacher and mom, I am always looking for ways to simplify my life. Xaam has been a total game-changer for me. The AI technology takes care of the heavy lifting, so I can focus on other more important things.. Thank you!!

Computer science teacher & a mom of a 2yo daughter, New York City, NY

I was skeptical at first, but Xaam completely exceeded my expectations! The AI-powered platform generates personalized assignments and quizzes that helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, and focus my study efforts accordingly. I felt more confident and prepared going into my exams. I highly recommend Xaam to any student looking for an edge in their exam preparation.

12th grade student, Baltimore, MD

I was initially skeptical about incorporating AI technology into my classroom. But after trying this platform, I am a total convert. The assignments are tailored to my students' individual needs. This platform has saved me so much time and energy, and I can't imagine going back to my old methods!

History teacher, Toronto, Ontario

We had the chance to test out the prototype for Xaam, and it was a blast! We are sure the platform will be just as fun and effective for exam preparation. Being able to generate tests based on our current syllabus and for any topic is a life-saver. We can't wait to use Xaam to study for my next exam!

Esther & Rodry
11th grade students, Oakland, CA

As a busy teacher and mom, I am always looking for ways to simplify my life. Xaam has been a total game-changer for me. The AI technology takes care of the heavy lifting, so I can focus on other more important things.. Thank you!!

Computer science teacher & a mom of a 2yo daughter, New York City, NY

I was skeptical at first, but Xaam completely exceeded my expectations! The AI-powered platform generates personalized assignments and quizzes that helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, and focus my study efforts accordingly. I felt more confident and prepared going into my exams. I highly recommend Xaam to any student looking for an edge in their exam preparation.

12th grade student, Baltimore, MD

I was initially skeptical about incorporating AI technology into my classroom. But after trying this platform, I am a total convert. The assignments are tailored to my students' individual needs. This platform has saved me so much time and energy, and I can't imagine going back to my old methods!

History teacher, Toronto, Ontario

We had the chance to test out the prototype for Xaam, and it was a blast! We are sure the platform will be just as fun and effective for exam preparation. Being able to generate tests based on our current syllabus and for any topic is a life-saver. We can't wait to use Xaam to study for my next exam!

Esther & Rodry
11th grade students, Oakland, CA

As a busy teacher and mom, I am always looking for ways to simplify my life. Xaam has been a total game-changer for me. The AI technology takes care of the heavy lifting, so I can focus on other more important things.. Thank you!!

Computer science teacher & a mom of a 2yo daughter, New York City, NY

I was skeptical at first, but Xaam completely exceeded my expectations! The AI-powered platform generates personalized assignments and quizzes that helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, and focus my study efforts accordingly. I felt more confident and prepared going into my exams. I highly recommend Xaam to any student looking for an edge in their exam preparation.

12th grade student, Baltimore, MD

Join the waitlist and be the first to know when Xaam is launched! It's happening the next days!